Meet Our Team

Garrett Newsom

Achieving the next best thing was exhausting. Academics were good, social life was good, but Garrett was missing something. While in college, God opened his eyes to what real life was about. After college, he worked in Moscow then returned to Texas to run a kitchen and bath business. He met his wife, Laura after college and they joined staff with Cru to see young men and women engage with the life changing person of Jesus Christ. Their family of five enjoys outdoor adventures with friends. You can usually entice him to join you on a trail run or a wading into the water with a fly rod.

Cooper Dixon

Cooper is a TexasEx, graduating with a degree in Chemical Engineering in 2019. Seeing God work in and around him on the 40 acres, he wanted to continue being a part of what God is doing on campus. He is fueled by seeing the restorative gospel of Christ apply to students' lives on the college campus. Cooper has been accused of having too many hobbies on multiple occasions. Some of these are playing disc golf, yard games, and racquet sports, brewing coffee, playing board games, watching the Horns in any and every sport, and exploring with his wife, Ana.

Tori Lawson

Tori and her husband, Caleb love to learn new hobbies and hang out with people. She is a huge everything Wisconsin fan (packers, bucks, badgers, brewers, cheese curds) and Caleb loves all things Louisiana (pelicans, saints, tigers, boudin, gumbo). If you’re reading this— I hope they get to meet you!